sporting clubs
Honour boards are a most valued and indispensable element in any sporting club. From Bowling Clubs, Football Clubs, Golf Clubs and beyond it is the same, the achievements of it's members are paramount.
Another significant element of a sporting club is its chronicled history, often portrayed in image or naming on wooden boards. After many years worth of experience with a range of sporting clubs, Designworks are able to create for you polished new honour boards incorporating every detail that you might need to represent the achievements of your club and its members. As well as new boards, we can create history boards using photographic means to acknowledge and cover the important moments of your club's past.
When you need your boards updated at the end of a season, we can handle that too so you never have to worry about keeping your information up to date.

Phone us for a quotation or a free consultation to see how we can help with your club's honour boards or other presentation needs
We will be excited to chat with you and help guide you in the process of getting it done!